Grain color segregation of an F3 from Yellow seed coat x Deep Purple seed coat in wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) (2016)

Paulina Calderón Flores

Subido el 01 de mar a las 21:44 hrs


Paulina Calderón Flores1, Jong Yeol Lee2, Yong Weon Seo1* 1Division of Biotechnology, Korea University, Seongbuk-Gu, Seoul 136-713, KOREA 2National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Jeonju, 560-500, KOREA Grain color is an important trait since it has been shown that is affects two relevant characteristics of wheat, grain dormancy and resistance to preharvest sprouting. We study the segregation ratio of an F3 generation. For the F1 generation, lines of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with a distinct phenotype in their seed color, Yellow (Ye) and Deep Purple (DP) were crossed. Since grain color is determined by the maternal genotype, the phenotype of F3 grains from F2 plants is controlled by the F2 genotype, meaning we had to wait until the F3 to analyze the color segregation. We used the Chi-square (X2) test to evaluate the goodness of fit for the number of genes related to the color segregation in our population. We bulked our plants in groups based on their seed color, rating them from 0 to 9, were 0 was light yellow and 9 deep purple. The best fit was for the ration 12 yellow: 3 brown: 1 deep purple, which means there is a dominant epistasis, with a X2 of 2.075 and with a p value of 0.90-0.10; this kind of segregation is related to a dominant allele at one locus that masks the expression at another locus. Furthermore, we analyzed some phenotypic data using the segregation ratio (12:3:1) to study if there is correlation of the seed color and the phenotypic data (chlorophyll content, main shoot length, width of the tallest leaf, etc.) during the plant development.

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