Climacteric Symptoms and their Relation to Feminine Self-Concept (2017)

Angélica Quiroga Garza

Subido el 18 de may a las 22:06 hrs


Objectives. To investigate women’s subjective experiences in climacteric transition, especially the impact of self-concept, quality of life and depression on the severity of climacteric symptoms. Method. Non-experimental, cross-sectional study, purpose sampling. To analyse the results, we propose a three-way interaction, in which the direct effect of depression on the severity of climacteric symptoms would be buffered by perceived sexual quality of life, and mediated by self-concept. Results. As hypothesized, depression significantly predicts self-concept, which in turn mediates the severity of climacteric symptoms. In a second stage of the model, sexual quality of life moderated the direct effect of depression on climacteric symptoms, such that women with a better sexual quality of life would perceive less severity of climacteric symptoms than those with a less favourable sexual quality of life. Physical quality of life did not significantly buffer the direct effect of depression on climacteric symptoms, nor did vasomotor or psychosocial quality of life. Conclusions. Our study confirmed the impact of subjective factors such as satisfaction, self-concept, and quality of life on climacteric symptoms; specifically we observed the moderating effect of the sexual quality of life on the previously established correlation between depression and aggravation of climacteric symptoms.

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