Arquitectura sensible en relación con el contexto: Mimesis y proxémica como formas de comunicación (2017)

Fernando Meneses-Carlos

Subido el 02 de jun a las 14:03 hrs


This paper presents a research of the relationship between architecture and context applied to the development of a sensitive pavilion that receives data from live sensors, responds and adapts in real time, generating a biunivocal resilience between the architectural object and the context. The research is developed through the integration between morphogenesis processes, parametric-generative design, Arduino, sensors, input and output devices that connect data and matter, programming and digital fabrication.The result is a pavilion designed and fabricated digitally, that receives data of the environment in real time through sensors and that reacts through changes of color and movements.

Ámbitos y Oportunidades:


Desarrollo Sustentable

Proteger y mejorar el medio ambiente de Nuevo León.
