Mr. Moreno has over 8 years of experience in quality engineering at Coca-Cola, CEMEX, PepsiCo, GE, and P&G among others. A senior member of ASQ and IISE, he is a judge for ASQ’s International Team Excellence Award, a speaker at international events and has visited Deming Prize winner companies in Japan. He has delivered training and assessment to Logistics, Operations and Sales teams in Mexico, USA, Canada, Dominican Republic, India, Malaysia, China and Germany, mentoring over 600 project leaders in problem solving and lean six sigma including 30 black belts and 77 green belts. He holds a B.Sc. degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Universidad Tecnologica de Mexico, and a Master's degree in Quality Systems and Productivity from Tecnologico de Monterrey. He is a Certified Six Sigma Black Belt and holds certificates in Business Administration from University of Pennsylvania.
Universidad de Monterrey
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